Hello there, little ole ,neglected, forgotten, pushed aside blog. You really have been on my mind- a lot, but I know that my absence has increased the distance between us, and you feel as if I have emotionally abandoned you. By no means do I want to gaze into the fire of the bridges I have burned, so as quickly and as steadfast as I can hold I will blow out the blaze and rebuild. With Mother's Day approaching I know there will be many "motherisims" to discuss. and HOT TOPICS with Summer not too far away ( insert Buffet's "Boat drinks" now). So Dear Blog that I started with great intentions, please forgive me, for the cold shoulder, the back burner placement, the Oh, THAT can wait until another day. As some very dear friends of mine said back, well back in my college days..."Go ahead, go to sleep, dream away, isn't easy, is it babe?----Someday!
____________________side bar: Virginia Intermont *College days* celebrated what is possibly their last commencement this past weekend... sigh, sniff.
"Some say easy come, some say easy go
Some say time flies by too fast, some say it drags on all too slow..."